Oh, I know I sound like an old book but every year I am reminded that all of the hard work and effort is for the love of the kids. Maybe it's taken the passage of years and the wisdom or simply raising my own kids to finally get the "big picture" and to appreciate the picture as a piece of art. Whatever it is I just can't explain what a satisfying feeling I get seeing the families and the kids stop by to look for new calves. It is amazing to see the kids sort through the cattle and mark the ones they want to have for projects next year. Every kid is motivated by something different it seems.
I really felt all warm and fuzzy last night when the Smith family stopped by and the two smallest girls begged me to let them wash one of the calves. Seriously!? Two little squirts whining and begging me to rinse a calf! How do you say no to cute?
So parents, just a little thought to keep in your mind when you are at your first show next spring and stressed out of your minds because your kids are not listening to every word you say or sticking the calf quite the way you think it should be done...CHILL OUT!!!! Remember what this is all about...FAMILY, EDUCATION, and above all KIDS!!!
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