The Crawford County Fair is going on this week. No matter how old I get I still enjoy going to the fair. The smell of funnel cakes, cotton candy, exhaust from the tractor pull and the pungent smell of the animals mixed with various other aromas of hair products used on the animals. Why is it that a brat from the Lutheran Church stand smothered in kraut and ketchup, eaten while walking around the varied industries building when it's 100 degrees out tastes so delicious? And what about those homemade pies the church ladies make? It almost makes me want to change religions!
Despite the heat and despite the rain I think that the fair went very well. I know that Nelson Cattle Company had a great year. The Welch family that just got started this year in 4-H purchased a very nice Heat Wave X Hereford steer from our Labor Day sale last year. "Eeyore" weighed 1322 at the fair. He place fourth overall in rate of gain and was the Reserve Champion County Raised Steer. Nic Welch did a very wonderful job of showing his first year and it was nice to see his parents and grandparents be so supportive and helpful. Nic has a lot to live up to next year! (I did tell him that I have a full brother to Eeyore on our sale this year! :)
The Staley family exhibited the Reserve Champion Cow/Calf Pair. They purchased the cow from us on our dispersal sale two years ago. Since then the cow has raised two fabulous Heat Wave calves and has most likely more than paid for herself. The steer calf this year was also the Grand Champion Feeder Steer at the fair. Congrats to the Staleys!!!
The Smith family (Makayla) exhibited the Grand Champion Cow/Calf pair. The bull calf is a Gigolo Joe son. The pair also went on to win Supreme Champion Breeding Female of the entire show! How exciting. Makayla also showed a Nelson 26T2 heifer she purchased from Nelson Cattle Company that also won her division and stood third overall. Congrats Makayla!! Dalton, her younger brother, exhibited a Heat Wave heifer that he bought on our Labor Day Sale. She was a division winner as well. Congrats Dalton!! What a great year. Best of luck at the Iowa State Fair.
I just had to add a picture of Makia Smith. (There are so many Smiths that I can hardly keep them straight)She was having such a great time with her lamb. She is also the main care-giver to "Baby Joe", Black Betty's calf. The kids do such a wonderful job and have a great work ethic. Their parents should be very proud of their hard work and determination.
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