It's only taken about forty-some years to figure out but sometimes you CAN teach an old dog some new tricks. NOT that I'm old...I just feel that way some days. This week's stress curve has been interesting and taxing but the good news is that I DID learn something that I intend to use more often. I guess it's kind of like the old cliche about getting your "plate" too full. Now, I'm not one to waste a good plate- full of food. In fact, I don't usually put something on my plate unless I fully intend to eat it. So, when I get stressed out because my "plate is too full" I don't scrape anything off into the garbage. I simply eat the biggest thing on the plate first. It seems to clear space in a tremendous hurry.
So this week I decided to get my biggest stresses tackled. Stress #1: FAMILY-on MANY levels...mostly my children, their health and safety. Stress #2: Getting some of the sale calves broke to tie and clipped. Stress #3: Getting ad pictures of my favorite calves and an awesome picture of my favorite new Donor while she is still in milk production for the year. Stress #4: Mowers and anything with a motor...power-washer, weed-eater, fans--the current bane of my existence...may they burn in hell! (Just kidding) :) It was amazing how everything else became less stressful as I tackled each challenge. I can say that by weeks end I had plenty of room on my plate for a little dessert and I had no problem dishing it up today. After putting in cidrs, giving shots and painting cows, Brad and I went to the garden store and picked out tomatoes and hostas for a planting festival and afterwards we topped it off by setting up the hammock under the walnut tree at the bunk house. Well, actually the best part was the twenty-minute power nap we took while swinging in the breeze and listening to the birds argue about what we were doing. As weeks and "full plates" go this one was a feast.
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