THE BOY: Spencer is living in Denison. He is currently living at home but has taken a job as manager of Connor's Corner Bed and Breakfast in Denison. (Check out their website!) He will begin on July 1...AND MOVING OUT!!!!! Seriously, it's been nice having him around again. I hurt my back at the end of April and I am not supposed to lift anythin for at least three to six months. (yeah, right! ) I don't know what I am going to do without him.
THE GIRL: Hayley graduated in May...the same day that Spencer turned 21! Whew hoo! She is going to be flying off to Bolivia via a Rotary exchange program and will be gone for a year. We are so excited for her and this new adventure in her life. Her Bolivian family sounds fabulous. We just hope that she will come home. It's going to be hard not having her here for the holidays and to not see her for so long but I guess we have to be happy with modern technology and take advantage of the "Jetson" internet conversations. Sniff sniff! I am thinking that the State Fair timing is going to be good therapy.
THE BOSS: Brad has seen fit to tolerate me for yet another year. He is a trooper but I guess if we didn't love this business so much we would be sitting somewhere in the mountains or on a beach instead of doing what we are doing.